Mustafa Emre Yılmaz - Power Struggle within the National Struggle – The Case of Sivas (1919 – 1925)
An abstract of the thesis of Mustafa Emre Yilmaz, for the degree of Master of Arts from The Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History of Bogaziçi University to be taken in September 2008
Power Struggle within the National Struggle – The Case of Sivas (1919 – 1925)
Thanks to the influence of Nutuk, the power struggle within national struggle is either disregarded or perceived from the viewpoint of Mustafa Kemal by the Turkish historiography. In this paper, the period between 1919 – 1925 is taken into consideration from the revisionist approach which was developed by Mete Tunçay, Erik J. Zürcher and Ahmet Demirel. It was argued within this thesis that the period of 1919 and 1925 witnesses a power struggle. After displaying that the national struggle era also served as the stage of a power struggle and the purge of the opposition, this perspective was applied to the local dimension by looking at the events in Sivas.
Bogaziçi Üniversitesi Atatürk Ilkeleri ve Inkilap Tarihi Enstitüsü’nde Yüksek Lisans Derecesi için Mustafa Emre Yilmaz tarafindan Eylül 2008’de teslim edilen tezin kisa özeti
Milli Mücadele Içinde Güç Savasi - Sivas Örnegi (1919 - 1925)
Nutuk’un da etkisiyle Milli Mücadele dönemi içindeki iktidar mücadelesi büyük oranda göz ardi edilmis ya da Mustafa Kemal’in bakis açisindan ele alinmistir. Bu tezde ise Milli Mücadele dönemi Mete Tunçay, Erik J. Zürcher ve Ahmet Demirel gibi arastirmacilarin gelistirmis oldugu revizyonist bakis açisiyla ele alinmis ve dönemin iktidar mücadelesine sahne oldugu dile getirilmistir. Milli Mücadele’nin ayni zamanda bir iktidar mücadelesine sahne oldugu ortaya konduktan sonra benzer bir bakis açisiyla yerel boyutta Sivas’ta neler yasandigina bakilmistir.