Çağla Elçin Aykaç - Kemalist Utopia, Study of the Propaganda Magazine: La Turquie Kémaliste (1934-1948)

Kemalist Utopia, Study of the Propaganda Magazine La Turquie Kémaliste (1934-1948)

This thesis is built around the study of the magazine La Turquie Kémaliste published in Ankara between the years 1934 and 1948. The magazine is particular interest as it is a primary source that has not yet been studied in depth and because it contains articles by leading Turkish intellectuals of the time and is illustrated by a great number of photographs. The carefully selected symbols and discourse used in the magazine for self-representation are here handled as a search for international legitimacy on the part of the new Republican leadership. This search for legitimacy was based on the visual and textual representation of the Republic as something that was completely new and different and was contemporary to its time; it argued that the advent of the Republic involved a total social, economic, and political transformation.
Kemalist Ütopya, La Turquie Kémaliste Propaganda Dergisinin Incelenmesi (1934-1948)

Bu tez, 1934 ile 1948 arasinda yayimlanan propaganda dergisi La Turquie Kémaliste'I ele aliyor. Simdiye kadar derinlemesine incelenmemis bu dergi, içerdigi çok sayida fotograf ve dönemin öndegelen entellektüelleri tarafindan yabanci dilde yazilmis yazilariyla Cumhuriyet'in kendini nasil yansittigini anlamak için son derece ilginç bir birincil kaynak. Bu çalisma, La Turquie Kémaliste'te kullanilan söylem ve görsel ve yazili sembolleri, Cumhuriyetin uluslarasi alanda mesruyiet arayisinin ifadesi olarak inceliyor. Bu mesruiyet arayisinin en önemli ayaginin yeni ve baska bir rejim olma iddiasi oldugu, La Turquie Kémaliste'in Cumhuriyet sayesinde toplumsal yasamin, insanin, ve devletin tamamiyla degistigi izlenimi verme çabasinda görülüyor.
