Görkem Doğan - Governmental Involvement in the Establishment and Performance of the Trade Unions during the Transition to Multi Party Politics: The Case of the Worker's Bureau of the Republican People's Party
Governmental Involvement in the Establishment and Performance of the Trade Unions during the Transition to Multi Party Politics: The Case of the Worker's Bureau of the Republican People's Party
This study aims to shed light on the formative era of the trade unions by evaluating the decisive and consequential governmental impact on these institutions realised through the activities of the Worker's Bureau established in the Istanbul Branch of the then ruling Republican People's Party. After the promulgation of the Law on Trade Unions this Bureau involved in the founding and functioning of these bodies so that to influence their future development. The activities of this Bureau were not confined to Istanbul area though outside Istanbul its organisational initiatives were restricted to public enterprises.
The Bureau resorted to various means to exert its influence over the trade unions. The major tools used in this way are also exposed. These include the regional trade union federation established in Istanbul, and a weekly newspaper, Hürbilek, published first by the Bureau itself, and then transferred to this regional federation. Apart from these two other political and legal arrangements are also evaluated in the context of their connection to industrial relationships.
The nature and method of this involvement is analysed from the perspective of corporatism-pluralism dichotomy. The existence of the features of these ideal typical constructs is explored in order to sketch the framework within which the process of governmental interference operated. The study is concluded by the discussion of the dominant pattern of industrial relationships applied during the formative era of the trade unions and its consequences.
Türkçe Özet
Bu çalisma 1947'de Cumhuriyet Türkiye'sinin, 5018 no.lu ilk Sendikalar Yasasi'nin kabulünün hemen ardindan kurulmaya baslanan yasal sendikalarin bu emekleme asamalarinda, iktidardaki Cumhuriyet Halk Partisinin bu isçi örgütlerine müdahil olma sürecini ve bunun sonuçlarini ele almaktadir. Iktidar partisi bu yönlendirici müdahalelerini genellikle Istanbul Il Baskanligi nezdinde kurdugu Isçi Bürosu araciligiyla gerçeklestirmektedir. Bu büro Istanbul disindaki yerlerde de özellikle kamuda istihdam edilen isçiler arasinda faaliyet göstermekteydi.
Büro yeni kurulan ya da kuruluslarina ön ayak oldugu sendikalari etkisi altinda tutabilmek için çesitli araçlar kullanmistir. Bunlardan en mühimi Istanbul'daki sendikalari is kollarina bakmaksizin bir araya getiren bir semsiye örgütü olan Istanbul Isçi Sendikalari Birligi'ydi. Bu Birlik ve Hürbilek gazetesi CHP'nin sendikalar için öngördügü toplumsal rol ve islevin bu yapilara özümsetilmesinde etkindiler ve bu rol ve islevin ne oldugunun anlasilmasinda temel önemi haizdirler. Bunlarin yaninda çok partili siyasal rejimin geregi olarak yapilan baska yasal siyasal degisikliklerde çalisma iliskilerini etkiledikleri oranda incelenmislerdir.
Hükümet partisinin isçi sendikalarina müdahalesi korporatizm plüralizm ayrimi çerçevesinde degerlendirilmistir. Korporatizm tek parti dönemi Türkiye'si tartismalarinda sikça gündeme gelen bir kavram oldugundan ayrica tartisilmistir. Gerek fiili uygulamalarin, gerekse yasal düzenlemelerin bu iki ideal tip kavrama ne ölçüde yaklastiginin incelenmesi, bu dönemde çalisma iliskilerinin hangi baglamda olusturulmak istendigine dair önemli ipuçlari saglamaktadir. Çalismada özellikle fiili uygulamalar bu noktaya odaklanarak tartisilmistir.