2018-2019 Bahar Dönemi Ders Programı
ATA 585 Historical Generations: Turkish 68 in Comparative Perspective (ThThTh678)
ATA 59D Rethinking Ottoman Historiography (WWW234)
ATA 681 Advanced Readings in Social History of the 19th century Ottoman Empire (TTT234)
ATA 68B Directed Research&Readings: Science, Religion, Culture (MMM678)
ATA 68C State and (Political) Economy (ThThTh234)
ATA 685 Anthroplogy of Turkey (TTT678)
ATA 688 Ethnographic Research (WWW 678)
ATA 678 Guided Research in PHD (ThThTh 234)
ATA579 Graduate Seminar (FFF 678)
ATA 700 Graduate Seminar (FFF 678)