Recent Publications

Recent Publications by Faculty

Ayşe Buğra
New Capitalism in Turkey: The Relationship between Politics, Religion and Business, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014 (co-authored with Osman Savaskan, Turkish translation Istanbul: Iletisim, 2015)


Ayşe Buğra
(Yalçın Özkan ile der.) Akdeniz'de Kadın İstihdamının Seyri, İstanbul: İletişim, 2013
(İngilizce orijinali: Trajectories of Female Employment in the Mediterranean, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012).


Ayşe Buğra

'Revisiting the Wollstonecraft Dilemma in the Context of Conservative Liberalism: The Case of Female Employment in Turkey', Social Politics, 21 (1) (Spring 2014)

Ayşe Buğra
"Change and Continuity under an Eclectic Social Security Regime: The Case of Turkey," (with Aysen Candas), Middle Eastern Studies, v. 47, n. 3 (2011).

Ayşe Buğra
Sınıftan Sınıfa, (with Taylan Acar, Esin Ertürk, Özgür Burçak Gürsoy, Ebru Isikli, Aysun Kiran and Sevecen Tunç), Istanbul: Iletisim, 2010.

Ayşe Buğra
"Yerel Sanayi ve Bugünün Türkiyesi'nde İş Dünyası," (with Osman Savaşkan), Toplum ve Bilim, n. 118, 2010.

Ayşe Buğra
"Solidarity among Strangers: A Problem of Coexistence in Turkey" (with Aysen Candas), Constellations, v. 17, n.2 (2010).

Ayşe Buğra
"Structural Change, Social Policy Environment and Female Employment: The Case of Turkey" (Burcu Yakut Cakar'la birlikte), Development and Change, May 2010.

Ayşe Buğra
"Societal Context of Labor Union Strategy The Case of Turkey" (F.Adaman ve A.Insel'le birlikte), Labor Studies Journal, v.34, June 2009.

Ayşe Buğra
21. Yüzyilda Karl Polanyi'yi Okumak, (with Kaan Agartan), Istanbul: Iletisim, 2009.

Ayşe Buğra
"Poverty and Citizenship: A Case Study on Turkey", International Journal of Public Affairs (published by the Research Center on Public Affairs for Sustainable Welfare Society, Chiba University, Japan), v. 4, 2008: 75-86.

Ayşe Buğra
"Social Policy Change in Countries without Mature Welfare States: The Case of Turkey (Sinem Adar ile birlikte), New Perspectives on Turkey, n.38 Spring 2008: 83-106. (SSCI)

Ayşe Buğra
Yoksulluk, Kapitalizm ve Türkiye'de Sosyal Politika, Istanbul: Iletisim, 2008.

Asım Karaömerlioğlu
"Darwin ve Sosyal Bilimler, " Birikim, no. 251, Mart/Nisan 2010, s. 111-122.

Cengiz Kırlı
"Surveillance and Constituting the Public in the Ottoman Empire," Seteney Shami (der.) Publics, Politics and Participation: Locating the Public Sphere in the Middle East and North Africa içinde. 282-305. New York: SSRC, 2009, ss. 282-305.

Cengiz Kırlı
"Kahvehaneler: Ondokuzuncu Yüzyil Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nda Kamuoyu," Ahmet Yasar (der.) Osmanli Kahvehaneleri: Mekân Sosyallik ve Iktidar içinde. Istanbul: Kitap Yayinevi, 2009, ss. 95-119.

Cengiz Kırlı
Sultan ve Kamuoyu: Osmanli Modernlesme Sürecinde Havadis Jurnalleri, Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 507s., Istanbul, 2009.

Duygu Köksal
"Cumhuriyet Ideolojisi ve Estetik Modernizm: Baltacioglu, Yeni Zamanlar ve Bauhaus", der. Ali Artun, Esra Aliçavusoglu, Bauhaus: Modernlesmenin Tasarimi, Iletisim, 2009, ss. 241-253.

Nadir Özbek
"'Beggars' and 'Vagrants' in State Policy and Public Discourse During the Late Ottoman Empire: 1876-1914." Middle Eastern Studies, 45:5, (September 2009): 783-801. [SSCI]

Nadir Özbek
"Policing the Countryside: Gendarmes of the Late-Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire (1876-1908)." International Journal of Middle East Studies 40, no. 1 (February 2008): 47-67. [SSCI]

Nadir Özbek
"The Politics of Modern Welfare Institutions in the Late Ottoman Empire (1876-1909)." International Journal of Turcologia 3, no. 5 (Spring 2008): 42-62.

Nadir Özbek
"The Politics of Modern Welfare Institutions in the Late Ottoman Empire (1876-1909)." International Journal of Turcologia 3, no. 5 (2008): 42-62.

Nadir Özbek
"Policing the Countryside: Gendarmes of the Late-Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire (1876-1908)." International Journal of Middle East Studies 40, no. 1 (2008): 47-67. (SSCI)

Şevket Pamuk
Ottoman Economy and Its Institutions, Variorum Collected Studies Series, Ashgate Publishers, Farnham, Surrey, 2009, xii + 290 pp.

Şevket Pamuk
"Ottoman State Finances in European Perspective, 1500-1914", The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 70, 2010, pp. 593-627 (with Kivanç Karaman).

Şevket Pamuk
"Economic Growth and Institutional Change in Turkey Before 1980", in T. Çetin and F. Yilmaz (eds.), Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey , Nova Science Publishers, 2010, pp. 15-30.

Şevket Pamuk
"Changes in factor markets in the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1800", Continuity and Change, No. 24, 2009, pp. 1-30. "Sources of long-term economic growth for Turkey, 1880-2005", European Review of Economic History, No. 12, 2008,pp. 393-430. (with Semra Altug and Alpay Filiztekin)

Şevket Pamuk
"Globalization, Industrialization and Changing Politics in Turkey", New Perspectives on Turkey, No. 38, 2008, pp. 267-73.

Şevket Pamuk
"From Bimetallism to the 'Limping Gold Standard': The Ottoman Monetary System in the Nineteenth Century", Philip L. Cottrell (ed.), East Meets West- Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman Empire, Ashgate Publishing, 2008, pp. 11-24.

Şevket Pamuk
"Agriculture and Economic Development in Turkey, 1870-2000" in P. Lains and V. Pinilla (eds.), Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe since 1870, Routledge Publishers 2008, pp. 375-96.

Şevket Pamuk
"The Black Death and the Origins of the Great Divergence inside Europe, 1300-1600", European Review of Economic History, Vol. 11, 2007, s. 289-317.

Şevket Pamuk
"From Bimetallism to the 'Limping Gold Standard': The Ottoman Monetary System in the Nineteenth Century", Philip L. Cottrell (ed.), East Meets West- Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman Empire, Ashgate Publishing, 2008, s. 11-24.

Şevket Pamuk
"Economic Change in Twentieth Century Turkey: Is the Glass More than Half Full?" in R. Kasaba (ed.), Cambridge History of Modern Turkey, 2008, s. 266-300.

Şevket Pamuk
"Agricultural and Economic Development in Turkey since 1870" in P. Lains and V. Pinilla (eds.), Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe since 1870, Routledge Publishers 2008, s. 375-96.

Şevket Pamuk
"Globalization, industrialization and changing politics in Turkey", New Perspectives on Turkey, No. 38, 2008, s. 267-73. (SSCI)

Şevket Pamuk
Osmanlidan Cumhuriyete Küresellesme, Iktisat Politikalari ve Büyüme (From the Ottoman Era to the Republic, Globalisation, Economic Policies and Growth), Vol. II, Türkiye Is Bankasi Kultur Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2008, 364 pp.

Şevket Pamuk
Osmanli Ekonomisi ve Kurumlari, Seçme Eserler, Cilt I, Türkiye Is Bankasi Kultur Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2007, 211 pp.

Zafer Toprak
Darwin'den Dersime Cumhuriyet ve Antropoloji. Istanbul: Dogan Yayinlari, 2012

Zafer Toprak
"Sunus," içinde: Fabio Grassi, Atatürk, çeviren: Eren Cendey, Istanbul; Turkuvaz Kitap, 2009, s. 9-12.

Zafer Toprak
"Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi'nin Fay Hatlari: Toplumsal ve Kültürel Yapida Kirilmalar 1923-2008," Kurulusunun 85. Yilinda Cumhuriyet'in Projeleri Sempozyumu - Siyaset-Hukuk-Toplum-Ekonomi - 23 Ekim 2008, Istanbul; Mamara Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Yayini, 2009, s. 88-95.

Zafer Toprak
"II. Mesrutiyet Döneminde Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Milliyetçilik ve Emperyalizm," 2008'den 1908'e Bakmak, Mutlu Dursun & Tutku Vardagli (derleyenler), Istanbul; Tarem Yayinlari, 2009, s. 73-78.

Zafer Toprak
"Adam Smith'ten Maynard Keynes'e Türkiye'de Iktisadi Düsünce," Aydinlanma ve Ekonomi, içinde, Yayina hazirlayan: Taner Berksoy, Istanbul; Osmanli Bankasi Arsiv ve Arastirma Merkezi Yayini, 2009, s. 28-32.

Zafer Toprak
"Balkan Yenilgisi, Kimlik Sorunu ve Averof Zirhlasi," içinde Osmanli Donanmasinin Seyir Defteri - Gemiler, Efsaneler, Denizciler, Istanbul; Pera Müzesi Yayini, 2009, s. 77-87.

Zafer Toprak
"Balkan Defeat, Question of Identity and Battleship Averoff," in Ekrem Isin (ed.)The Logbook of the Ottoman Navy - Ships, Legends, Sailors, Istanbul; Pera Museum Publication, 2009, s. 77-87.

Zafer Toprak
"Erken Dönem Türk-Sovyet iliskileri ve Semyon Ivanoviç Aralov," Bir Soveyet Diplomatinin Türkiye Anilari 1922-1923, Semyon Ivananoviç Aralov, çeviren: Hasan Âli Ediz, içinde, Istanbul; Türkiye Is Bankasi Kültür Yayini, 2008, s. xiii-xix.

Zafer Toprak
"The Financial Structure of the Stock Exchange in the Late Ottoman Empire," in Philip L. Cottrell (ed.), East Meets West - Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman Empire, Burlington; Ashgate Publishing Company, 2008, p. 143-159.

Zafer Toprak
"II. Mesrutiyet Döneminde Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Milliyetçilik ve Emperyalizm," 2008'den 1908'e Bakmak, Mutlu Dursun & Tutku Vardagli (derleyenler), Istanbul; Tarem Yayinlari, 2009, s. 73-78

Zafer Toprak
"Küresellesme, Küresizlesme ve Dogu Akdeniz Liman Kentleri: Selanik, Izmir, Iskenderiye, I. Uluslararasi Akdeniz Ticareti ve Liman Kentleri Sempozyumu, 15-16 Eylül 2008 Izmir, içinde, Izmir; Izmir Ticaret Odasi, 2009, s. 138-140

Zafer Toprak
Ulusaldan Küresele Millî Reasürans T.A.S. ve Türkiye'de Reasüransin Evrimi, Milli Reasürans Yayini, 250s.,Istanbul, 2009.

Zafer Toprak
"The Financial Structure of the Stock Exchange in the Late Ottoman Empire," in Philip L. Cottrell (ed.), East Meets West - Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman Empire, Burlington; Ashgate Publishing Company, 2008, p. 143-159.

Zafer Toprak
"Erken Dönem Türk-Sovyet Iliskileri ve S. I. Aralof," içinde: Semyon Ivanoviç Aralov, Bir sovyet Diplomatinin Türkiye Anilari; ççev: Hasan Âli Ediz, Istanbul; Türkiye Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 2008, s. xiii-xix.

Zafer Toprak
" 'Reel'den 'Imajiner'e Güvenlik Meselesi - Osmanli Kolluk Kuvvetleri ve Marjinaller," Toplumsal Tarih, sayi 175, Temmuz 2008 s. 54-62.

Zafer Toprak
"Zafer Toprak'la Röportaj," içinde: Istanbul Ünivesitesi Siyasal Bilfiler Fakültesi Dergisi, sayi 38, Mart 2008, s. 43-58.

Zafer Toprak
"Osmanli'nin Son Döneminde Istanbul Sokaklarinda Marjinaller: Hirsizlar, Dolandiricilar, Yankesiciler," içinde: Istanbul Ünivesitesi Siyasal Bilfiler Fakültesi Dergisi, sayi 38, Mart 2008, s. 275-279.

Zafer Toprak
"Cumhuriyet, Demiryolu ve Laiklik - Bir 'Modernite' Metaforu, "Toplumsal Tarih, sayi 168, Aralik 2007, s. 26-31.

Zafer Toprak
"Edebiyat ve Siyasal Durus: Tevfik Fikret Ayiraci," içinde Bengisu Rona & Zafer Toprak (hazirlayanlar), Bir Muhalif Kimlik Tevfik Fikret, Istanbul; Türkiye Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 2007, s. 1-24.

Zafer Toprak
"Bir Finansal Tarih Klasigi: Hasan Ferid'in Nakid ve Itibâr-i Malî'si," içinde Hasan Ferid, Osmanli'da Para ve Finansal Kredi, cilt 1 - Meskûkat (hazirlayan: Mehmet Hakan Saglam), Istanbul; Darphane ve Damga Matbaasi Genel Müdürlügü, 2008, s. xiv-xvi.

Zafer Toprak
"Üçüncü Cumhuriyet Fransasi, 'Aydinlanma' ve Osmanli'da Tarihyaziciligi," içinde: Binnaz Toprak (yayima hazirlayan), Aydinlanma Sempozyumu, Istanbul; Osmanli Bankasi Arsiv ve Arastirma Merkezi, 2007, s. 79-87.

Zafer Toprak
"Bir Çaga Damgasini Vuran Savas: Çanakkale Harbi" içinde, Haluk Oral, Ariburnu 1915 - Çanakkale Savasi'ndan Belgesel Öyküler, Istanbul; Türkiye Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 2007, s. xi-xxxv.

Zafer Toprak
"A War that Lef its Mark on an Era: The Gallipoli Campaign," in Haluk Oral, Gallipoli 1915 - Through Turkish Eyes, translated by Amy Spangler, Istanbul; Türkiye Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 2007, s. xi-xxxv.

Zafer Toprak
Bir Muhalif Kimlik Tevfik Fikret, Istanbul; Türkiye Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 2007.

Zafer Toprak
Cumhuriyet'in Ilk Bankasi'nin Müzesi, Istanbul; Türkiye Is Bankasi Yayini, 2007 (Müze katalogu)

Berna Yazıcı
'The Return to the Family: Welfare, State and Politics of the Family in Turkey' Anthropological Quarterly 85(1): 103-140.

Berna Yazıcı
"Social Work and Social Exclusion in Turkey: an Overview" New Perspectives on Turkey, no 38 (Spring 2008 Special Issue on Social Exclusion and Poverty in Turkey). Pp: 1071 Bildiri -134 (SSCI)

Recent Publications by Instructors

Hazal Papuççular
"Italian Mare Nostrum Policy and the Formulation of the Interwar Turkish Foreign Policy in Response" in International Relations, Culture and Global Finance edited by Akis Kalaitzidis, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 2011.

Aysegün Soysal
"Yemen'den Taskent'e, Kaymakamliktan Esarete Bayburd kaymakami Yusuf Ziya Beyin Basi ve Sonu Bilinmeyen Yasam Öyküsü", Müteferrika, 38, Yaz 2009 / 2, s. 187-229.

Murat Metinsoy
"Erken Cumhuriyet Tasrasinda Parti, Devlet ve Toplum," Toplum ve Bilim, no 118, 2010.

Recent Publications by Current Students

Ebru Aykut
"Ethnic Conflict, the Armenian Question, and Mob Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire", in Globalizing Lynching History: Vigilantism and Extralegal Punishment from an International Perspective (eds.) Manfred Berg and Simon Wendt, Palgrave McMillan, 2011.

Mehmet Ertan
The Circuitous Politicization of the Alevism (1960-1980): The Case of the Unity Party of Turkey and the Affiliation between the Alevis and the Left Politics (Germany: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011).

Mehmet Baki Deniz
Contemporary Urban Movements and Formation of Working Class in Turkey: The Case of Two Neighbourhoods in Istanbul and Ankara (Germany: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011).

Sevecen Tunç
Bizde Futbol, yazar Mehmet Rıza Kuğu, derleyenler Sevecen Tunç - Halit Güven (Türkiye: TAMEV Yayınları, 2011).

Sevecen Tunç
Mektepliler, Münevverler, Meraklılar: Trabzon'da Futbolun Toplumsal Tarihi (Türkiye: Iletisim Yayinlari, 2011).

Sevecen Tunç
Putting the City on the Map: A Social History of Football in Trabzon to 1967, (Germany: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011).

Kübra Parmaksızoğlu
İstanbulda Eglence, derleyenler Volkan Aytar ve Kubra Parmaksizoglu (Türkiye: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayinlari, 2011)

Hazal Papuççular
Turkish-Italian Relations in the Interwar Period: Italian Mare Nostrum Policy and the Formulation of Turkish Foreign Policy in Response, (Germany: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010) 164 pages.

Muge Ozbek
"The Regulation of Prostitution in Beyoglu (1875-1915)", Middle Eastern Studies, 01/2010; 46(4):555-68

Aysun Kiran
The Phenomenon of Free-Floating Violence In Post-1990s Turkey, (Germany: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010)

Murat Kasapsaracoglu
Actors and Dynamics: The Turkish Foreign Policy Decision Making Process during the Cold War, 1945-1991 (Germany: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010)

Ayse Yazicioglu
68'in Kadinlari, Dogan Kitap, 2010.

Bengu Kurtege
"Juvenile Courtroom Interactions: Verbal and Bodily Performances as an Object of Exchange with the Judges", The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 2, Summer 2010.

Recent Publications by Alumni

Volkan Yılmaz
The Political Economy of Disability in Turkey: Disability and Social Policy Reform in Turkey (Germany: LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011)

Mesut Uyar
'A Military History of the Ottomans',(co-authored with Edward Erickson) ABC-Clio.

Azer Kilic
"Gender, Family and Children at the Crossroads of Social Policy Reform in Turkey: Alternating between Familialism and Individualism." In John Gal and Mimi Ajzenstadt (eds.), Children, Gender and Families in Mediterranean Welfare States. London, NY: Springer, 165-179.

Nursen Gürboga
"Mine Workers, the Single Party Rule, and War The Zonguldak Coal Basin as the Site of Contest (1920-1947)(Ottoman Bank Archives and Research Centre, 2010)

Nursen Gürboga
Compulsory Mine Work: The Single-Party Regime and the Zonguldak Coalfield as a Site of Contention, 1940-1947" International Review of Social History, Volume 54, Supplement S17, (December 2009), pp 115-142.

Birsen Talay Kesoglu
"Kadinlarin Sesini Duymak Için 'Kayit' Tusuna Basinca.", Kadin Bellegini Olusturmada Kaynak Sorunu /Women's Memory: The Problem of Sources, Kadir Has Üniversitesi Yayinlari, Istanbul, April 2009, pp. 243-253.

Birsen Talay Kesoglu
"1970'lerde Kadinlar ve Aktivizm", Uluslararasi Multidisipliner Kadin Kongresi Kongre Özet Kitabi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi , Izmir, 2009, p.74.

Birsen Talay Kesoglu
Aspasia /International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History,(co-authored with Fatma Türe) volume 4, Spring 2010.

Birsen Talay Kesoglu
Kadin Bellegini Olusturmada Kaynak Sorunu /Women's Memory: The Problem of Sources, edited by Birsen Talay Kesoglu, Fatma Türe, Kadir Has Üniversitesi Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2009.

Birsen Talay Kesoglu
Yeni Harflerle Türk Kadini (1918 - 1919), edited by Birsen Talay Kesoglu, Mustafa Kesoglu, Kadin Eserleri Kütüphanesi ve Bilgi Merkezi Vakfi 20. Yil Özel Yayini, Istanbul, Nisan 2010.(in print/ forthcoming)

Tülin Ural
""Theme of 'Marriage with a Foreigner' : Nationalism and Female Authorship in the Early Republican Novel", ("Yabanci bir Esle Evlilik" Temasi : Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Romaninda Milliyetçilik ve Kadin Yazarlar), Turkish Studies, (2009 Eylül), Cilt 10, No. 3

Tülin Ural
"Tek Parti Döneminde basilmis Adab-i Muaseret Kitaplari", Müteferrika, (Yaz 2008), No. 33, ss. 243-274.

Ali Dikici
"Osmanli Makedonya'sinda Kurulan Ilk Uluslararasi Polis Baris Koruma Misyonu: Mürzsteg Reform Programi", Karadeniz Arastirmalari, Cilt: 6, Sayi: 24, Kis 2010, s. 75-108.

Ahmet Alis
"Türkiye'de Kürt Kadini ve Siyasi Tarih-siz-ligi:1959-1974," Hakkari Universitesi, Uluslararasi Kürt Kadin Kongresi, Hakkari Universitesi Yayinlari 2011..

Ahmet Alis
Kürt Etnobölgesel Hareketin Dogusu, Kitlesellesme Süreci ve Türkiye Isçi Partisi, 1959-1974.' Büsra Ersanli, Günay Göksü Özdogan ve Nesrin Uçarlar (ed.) Türkiye Siyasetinde Kürtler: Direnis, Hak Arayisi, Katilim, Istanbul: Iletisim Yayinlari, 2012.

Ahmet Alis
Yokus Yol'da Kürtler ve AKP', Iktisad Dergisi, Sayi 520, Ocak-Mart 2012.