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Çağlar Keyder

Çağlar Keyder, Profesör Doktor
Ph.D. in Economics, U.C. Berkeley, 1977
B.A. in Economics, Yale University, 1969
- Past Positions:
Professor, Sociology Department, Bogazici University, 2002-2008
S.U.N.Y. Binghamton, Sociology Department, Associate Professor, 1985-1994; Adjunct Lecturer, 1979‑85;
Lecturer, Sociology Department, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 1994-2002
Middle East Technical University (Ankara), Economics Department, Instructor, 1971‑72; 1975‑77; Assistant Professor, 1977‑82.
U.C. Berkeley, Economics Department, Teaching Associate, 1969‑70, 1973‑74
- Administrative Posts:
Director of Graduate Studies at the Sociology Department, Binghamton in 1988, 1992, 2003, 2005
Co-founder and co-director of Social Policy Forum at Bogazici University, since 2002.
- Visiting Academic Positions:
University of Washington, Jackson School of International Studies, Summer 1998
University of Chicago, Sociology Department, Winter 1996
U.C. Berkeley, International and Area Studies, Winter 1993
Oxford University, St Antony's College, Associate Fellow, January‑March, 1988
- Research Posts:
St Antony's College, Oxford, 1974‑75
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), Director of Research, April, 1983
- Journal Editorship:
New Perspectives on Turkey, co-ordinating editor 1992-2005
- Book Series Editorship:
Social and Historical Studies on Greece and Turkey (I. B. Tauris)
- Editorial Board Membership:
Contemporary Sociology (2010- )
International Journal of Middle East Studies (1987‑1993)
Tarih ve Toplum (Istanbul)
New Perspectives on Turkey (Istanbul)
Toplum ve Bilim (Istanbul, 1976-2004)
Yapit (Ankara, 1978-1984)
- Editorial Advisory Board Membership:
Journal of Peasant Studies, succeeded in 1999 by
Journal of Agrarian Change
- Advisory Board Membership:
Social Sciences and Humanities in the European Research Area (SSHERA) Advisory Board to the EU for FP6 (2003-2005)
- Authored Books:
Studies in Social History (in Turkish), Second edition, revised with new chapters, Istanbul: Iletisim, 2009.
From the Ottoman Empire to the European Union (in Turkish), Istanbul: Iletisim, 2003, 4th printing 2007.
The Collapse of National Developmentalism (in Turkish), Istanbul: Metis, 1993, 2nd printing, 1996, 3rd printing 2004.
State and Class in Turkey: A Study in Capitalist Development, London: Verso/New Left Books, 1987. (Turkish edition published in 1989, Istanbul: Iletisim, 14th printing 2009).
The Evolution of the Crisis and Alternatives for Turkey (in Turkish), Istanbul: Kaynak Yayinlari, 1984; 2nd edition, 1987, co‑authored. (K. Boratav, C. Keyder, and S. Pamuk).
Studies in Social History (in Turkish), Ankara: Dost Yayinlari, 1982
The Definition of a Peripheral Economy: Turkey, 1923‑1929, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. (Turkish edition, Ankara: Yurt Yayinlari, 1982; 2nd edition, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi, 1993).
Economic Growth in Britain and France 1780‑1914: Two Paths to the Twentieth Century, London: Allen and Unwin, 1978, co‑authored. (P.K. O'Brien and C. Keyder).
Imperialism, Underdevelopment and Turkey, (in Turkish), Istanbul: Birikim, 1976; 2nd edition 1978.
- Edited books:
Spatial Conceptions of the Nation: Modernizing Geographies in Greece and Turkey, (co-editor with Nikiforos Diamandouros and Thalia Dragonas and co-author of the Introduction), London: I.B. Tauris, 2010.
Health Policy in Europe and Turkey, (in Turkish, co-editor with Nazan Ustundag, Tuba Agartan, Cagri Yoltar, author of introductory chapter), Istanbul: Iletisim, 2007.
Ways to Modernity: Greece and Turkey in their Encounters with Europe, 1850-1950, (co-editor with Anna Frangoudaki and co-author of the Introduction), London: I.B. Tauris, 2007.
Toward a Citizen’s Income, (in Turkish, co-editor with Ayse Bugra, co-author of the Introduction), Istanbul: Iletisim, 2007.
Contributions in Social Policy, (in Turkish, co-editor with Ayse Bugra, co-author of the Introduction), Istanbul: Iletisim, 2006.
Istanbul: Between the Global and the Local, Boulder: Rowman & Littlefield, (editor, author of Introduction and three of the articles), 1999. (Turkish edition, Istanbul: Metis, 2000, 2nd printing 2006, 3rd printing 2009).
Tradition in Modernity: Sociology in Southern Europe (editor and author of introduction), International Sociological Association Regional Conference Monograph, 1998.
Developmentalism and Beyond: Society and Politics in Egypt and Turkey (co‑editor and co-author of the introduction with S.E. Ibrahim and A. Oncu, and contributor), Cairo: A.U.C. Press, 1994.
Port Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean, (co‑editor with E. Ozveren and D. Quataert), Special Issue of Review, Winter 1994. (Turkish edition, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi, 1994).
The Impact of the 1838 Trade Convention on Anatolia, co‑editor with D. Quataert, Special Issue of New Perspectives on Turkey, no.7, 1992.
Landholding and Commercial Agriculture in the Ottoman Middle East (co‑editor with F. Tabak, author of the introduction), 1991, Albany: SUNY Press. (Turkish edition 1998, Istanbul: Tarih Vakfi).
Ottoman Empire: Nineteenth Century Transformations (guest editor and contributor), Special Issue of Review, Spring, 1988.
- Project Reports:
Policy Priorities in Eastern Turkey, Istanbul, TESEV, 2006, author of the section on Social Policy.
New Poverty and the Changing Welfare Regime of Turkey, Ankara: UNDP, 2003, co-authored with Ayse Bugra.
The Impact of External Migration on Turkey, Ottawa: IDRC, 1988, co‑authored with A. Aksu‑Koc.
- Selected articles:
“Istanbul into the Twenty-first Century”, in Deniz Göktürk, Levent Soysal and Ipek Türeli eds., Orienting Istanbul: Cultural Capital of Europe? London: Routledge, 2010.
“Port-cities in the Mediterranean during the Belle Epoque”, in Biray Kolluoglu and Meltem Toksoz eds., Cities of the Mediterranean: From the Ottomans to the Present Day, London: I.B.Tauris, 2010.
“Disoccupazione, dis-integrazione e politica soziale”, in Marta Petrusewicz, Jane Schneider, and Peter Schneider eds., I Sud: Conoscere, Capire, Cambiere, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009.
“A Brief History of Modern Istanbul”, in R. Kasaba ed., Cambridge History of Modern Turkey, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
“Europe and the Ottoman Empire in Mid-Nineteenth Century”, in P. Cottrell ed., East Meets West: Banking and Commerce in the Ottoman Empire, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008.
“Dilemmas of critique”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 37, Fall 2007.
“Turkey’s welfare regime in transformation”, (co-authored with Ayse Bugra), Journal of European Social Policy, August 2006
“Law and legitimation in Empire”, in Craig Calhoun, Frederick Cooper and Kevin Moore eds., Lessons of Empire, New Press, 2006.
"A history and geography of Turkish nationalism," in F. Birtek and T. Dragonas eds., Citizenship and the Nation-State in Greece and Turkey, Routledge, 2005.
“ La Turquie: de la peripherie au centre”, Diogène, no. 210, Spring 2005; reprinted in Diogenes (English edition) as “Moving in from the margins: Turkey in Europe”, 2006.
“Globalization and social exclusion in Istanbul”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 29, 1, March 2005.
“Transformations in urban structure and the environment in Istanbul”, in F. Adaman and M. Birsel eds., Environmentalism in Turkey: Between Democracy and Development, Ashgate, 2005.
“Europe as alternative empire: A view from the periphery”, in Faruk Tabak ed., Allies as Rivals: The U.S., Europe, and Japan in a Changing World System, Paradigm Publishers, 2005.
“The Turkish bell jar”, New Left Review, 28, July-August 2004.
“Die Turkei zwischen Europa und Amerika” in Klaus Leggewie ed., Die Turkei und Europa: Die Positionen, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2004.
"The consequences of 'The Exchange of Populations' for Turkey," in Renee Hirschon ed., Crossing the Aegean: The Exchange of Populations between Greece and Turkey, Oxford: Berghahn, 2003.
"Liberalization from above and the future of the informal sector: land, shelter and informality," in F. Tabak and M. Crichlow eds.,Informalization: Process and Structure, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
“The setting,” in C. Keyder ed., Istanbul: Between the Global and the Local, Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999.
“The housing market from informal to global,” in C. Keyder ed., Istanbul: Between the Global and the Local, Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999.
“A tale of two neighborhoods,” in C. Keyder ed., Istanbul: Between the Global and the Local, Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999.
"Port-cities and politics on the eve of the Great War," New Perspectives on Turkey, Fall 1999.
"The Ottoman Empire," in K. Barkey and M. von Hagen eds., Causes and Consequences of the Decline of Empires, Boulder: Westview, 1997.
"Whither the project of modernity? Turkey in the 1990s," in S. Bozdogan and R. Kasaba eds., Rethinking the Project of Modernity in Turkey, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997.
"Afterword: The current condition of the popular classes," in D. Quataert and E.J. Zurcher eds., Workers and the Working Class in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic, London: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 1995.
"Democracy and the demise of national developmentalism: Turkey in Perspective," in A.K. Bagchi ed., Democracy and Development, London: Macmillan, 1995.
"Globalization of a third-world metropolis: Istanbul in the 1980s," Review, Summer 1994, co-authored with A. Oncu.
"The agrarian background and the origins of the Turkish bourgeoisie," in S.E. Ibrahim, C. Keyder, and A. Oncu eds. Developmentalism and Beyond: Society and Politics in Egypt and Turkey, Cairo: AUC Press, 1994.
"Manufacturing in Turkey, 1900‑1950," in D. Quataert ed. Manufacturing in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, Albany: SUNY Press, 1994.
"The dilemma of cultural identity on the margin of Europe," Review, Winter 1993.
"Istanbul and the concept of world cities," Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Research Paper Series, 1993, (co‑authored with A. Oncu).
"The genesis of petty commodity production in agriculture," in Paul Stirling ed., Culture and Economy: Changes in Turkish Villages, London: Eothen Press, 1993.
"Turkei: Regionale Unterentwicklung und Anpassung an den Weltmarkt," in Berliner Institut fur Vergleichende Sozialforschung, Yearbook of Comparative Social Research, Berlin, 1992.
"Aufstieg und Niedergang von Nationaloekonomien an der Peripherie," in Berliner Institut fur Vergleichende Sozialforschung, Yearbook of Comparative Social Research, Berlin, 1991.
"Creation and destruction of forms of manufacturing: The Ottoman case," in J. Batou, ed., Precocious Attempts at Industrialisation in the Periphery, Geneva, 1991.
"State and semi‑proletarianisation in the periphery," Cahier du GEMDEV, June 1989.
"Southern Europe in the world economy in the twentieth century," in M.T. Martin and T.R. Kandal, eds., Studies of Development and Change in the Modern World, New York: Oxford University Press, 1989, co‑authored with G. Arrighi and I. Wallerstein).
"Peasantry and the agricultural labour market in Turkey," International Labour Review, vol. 128, no. 6, 1989.
"Bureaucracy and bourgeoisie: Reform and revolution in the age of imperialism," Review, Spring 1988.
"Class and state in the transformation of modern Turkey," in F. Halliday and H. Alavi eds., State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan, London: Macmillan, 1988.
"The rise and decline of the national economy in the periphery," Cahier du GEMDEV, March 1986; reprinted in Review of Middle East Studies, no. 6, 1993.
"Eastern Mediterranean port cities and their bourgeoisies," Review, Summer 1986, co‑authored with R. Kasaba and F. Tabak.
"A model of differentiated petty commodity producing peasantry," in A. Gokalp ed. La Turquie en Transition, Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose, 1986.
"Economic growth and crisis, 1950-1980," in I. Schick and A.E. Tonak eds., Turkey in Transition, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
"The American recovery of Southern Europe: Aid and hegemony," in G. Arrighi ed. Semiperipheral Development, the Politics of Southern Europe, Beverly Hills: Sage, 1985.
"State and industry in France, 1750‑1914," American Economic Review, May 1985.
"L'économie mondiale et la politique économique de la Turquie," Temps Modernes, Juillet‑Aout 1984.
"The cycle of sharecropping and the consolidation of small peasant ownership in Turkey," Journal of Peasant Studies, January‑April 1983; reprinted in T.J. Byres (ed.) Sharecropping and Sharecroppers, London: F. Cass, 1983.
"Paths of rural transformation in Turkey," Journal of Peasant Studies, October 1983; reprinted in T.Asad and R. Owen eds., Sociology of Developing Societies: The Middle East, London:
Macmillan, 1983.
"The genesis and structure of small peasant ownership in Turkish agriculture," Review, Fall 1983; also published in German.
"Credit and peripheral structuration," Review, Spring 1980.
"The political economy of Turkish democracy," New Left Review, May‑June 1979. Reprinted in I. Schick and E. Tonak eds.New Perspectives on Turkey, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986; also published in German and Greek.
"Voie britannique et voie française vers la société industrielle (1780‑1914)," Annales E.S.C., Novembre‑Decembre 1979, co‑authored with P.K. O'Brien; also published in Spanish.
"Ottoman economy and Ottoman finances, 1881‑1914," in O. Okyar (ed.), Proceedings of the First Congress on the Social and Economic History of Turkey, Ankara: Meteksan, 1979.
"Agriculture in Britain and France," Journal of European Economic History, Fall 1977, co‑authored with P.K. O'Brien, and D. Heath.
"Agenda for Ottoman history," Review, Summer 1977, co‑authored with H. Islamoglu. Reprinted in A. Bailey and J. Llobera (eds.), The Asiatic Mode of Production, London: Macmillan, 1981; and in H. Islamoglu ed. The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987; also published in German, Hungarian, and Serbo‑Croatian.
"Proto‑industrialisation and the periphery," Insurgent Sociologist, Winter 1981; published in Italian in Quaderni Storici.
"The dissolution of the Asiatic Mode of Production," Economy and Society, May 1976.
"Surplus," Journal of Peasant Studies, July 1976.
"Agriculture and the state. An inquiry into agricultural differentiation and political alliances: the case of Turkey," Journal of Peasant Studies, July 1975, co‑authored with F. Birtek.
- Book reviews in Journal of Economic History, Journal of Peasant Studies, Middle East Journal, Journal of Development Studies, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Agrarian Change.
International Conference Organizations:
“Geography and Nationalism in Greece and Turkey”, June 2008, Chios.
“Health Sector Reform in Southern and Eastern Europe”, June 2005, Bogazici University.
”Changing Welfare Regimes in Southern Europe", October 2002, Bogazici University.
“Encounters with Europe in Greece and Turkey”, October 2004, Hydra.
“Law and Legitimation in the Ottoman Empire”, November 1998, Fernand Braudel Center.
"International Sociological Association, Southern Europe Regional Conference", June 1997, Bogazici University.
"Nationalism on the Periphery of the Ottoman Empire", 1992, Fernand Braudel Center.
"Economic Policy and Political Regime in Egypt and Turkey", 1990 (part 1) and 1992 (part 2), Ford Foundation.
"Ottoman Manufacturing", 1990, Fernand Braudel Center.
"The Impact of Return Migration; Comparing Egypt and Turkey", 1988 (part 1) and 1989 (part 2), Population Council.
"The Impact of the Anglo‑Turkish Trade Convention of 1838; Anatolia and Egypt Compared", 1988, Fernand Braudel Center.
"Ottoman Empire: Nineteenth‑century Transformations", 1986, Fernand Braudel Center.
Turkish Academy of Sciences (elected member, since 1994)
Mustafa Parlar prize for Distinguished Service to Social Sciences, 1996
Bogazici University prize for Excellence in Research, 1998